Galentine’s Day Party
Galentine’s Day Party
Ladies, Save the Date! More details coming soon. Sunday, February 2nd from 5:00-7:00 pm in the Generations Loft. Sign up here to bring food & desserts.
Ladies, Save the Date! More details coming soon. Sunday, February 2nd from 5:00-7:00 pm in the Generations Loft. Sign up here to bring food & desserts.
Join us Wednesday for our church family & community dinner. This week's dinner will be served from 5:30-6:15 pm. A suggested contribution for the dinner is DCC Adults: $5 or DCC Families of 3 or more: $15. Guests are always free.
Sweetheart Banquet – High School Youth & Single Senior Adults Join us on Sunday, February 9, for a special Sweetheart Banquet hosted by our High School Youth! After morning classes, Single Senior Adults are invited to lunch in the CAC (gym), where we’ll enjoy good food and fun mixer games. This is a wonderful opportunity […]
Join us for a Super Bowl Party on Sunday, February 9 in the LOFT (location change)! Bring your favorite tailgate food and your family! Doors open at 5p and the game starts at 5:30. There will be activities for kids and families in addition to the game.
Join us Wednesday for our church family & community dinner. This week's dinner will be served from 5:30-6:15 pm. A suggested contribution for the dinner is DCC Adults: $5 or DCC Families of 3 or more: $15. Guests are always free.
Parents, Register your High School Youth Student to attend this fun weekend!
Join us Wednesday for our church family & community dinner. This week's dinner will be served from 5:30-6:15 pm. A suggested contribution for the dinner is DCC Adults: $5 or DCC Families of 3 or more: $15. Guests are always free.
February 20, Thursday, 11:00 am, Edley's Lunch Get-Together - Join us for lunch and laughter at Edley's. If you've never been to Edley's, it is very close to the church building. Edley’s Bar-B-Que's address is 2719 Lebanon Pike, Donelson. You'll pull in on the left side of Edley's building and park in the back. The entrance is […]
Save the Date! Our next New Member Luncheon is Sunday, February 23rd, immediately following Sunday school. Please join us as we welcome our latest DCC family members. This is a Soup/Sandwiches Potluck. We need all types of the following: Crockpots of Soups and/or Chili (please include any needed toppings/accessories) Sandwiches Desserts Please bring enough for […]
Join us in the gym for our DCC Social. Food is provided and is free! Please invite your friends and neighbors to join us (all ages welcome!).
February 28, Friday, 11:30-1:00, Lunch and Learn, Fireside Room, bring your own sack lunch. Sargeant Clinton Schroeder with the MNPD Fraud Unit will be here to talk with us about SCAMS Targeting Seniors. Any questions? Contact Sandra McMahan.