Disciple Donelson

Donelson Church is celebrating 150 years as a transforming presence in our community. As we honor the past, cherish the present, and welcome the future, God has given us compelling clarity about our future as a disciple-making congregation. The Holy Spirit is alive and working at Donelson and we pray for an even greater measure of God’s Spirit for all of us. He is making all things new, and bringing hearts to life in Him.

Our shepherds have listened to the Donelson family and discerned that God has nurtured in the hearts of his people a vision for our next chapter together we are calling DISCIPLE DONELSON.

"Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."

Our Values











Children & Youth


Our Mission

Love God and Love Others Passionately and Intentionally as Jesus Teaches Us

Where We Are Going

DCC is going to steward this moment in history so that faith in Jesus Christ is passed on to the next generations. We will be a God-honoring, Christ-centered, and Spirit-filled family making disciples of Jesus. We will fully live into our mission and our vision to DISCIPLE DONESLON through the following four initiatives:


We will continue to prioritize our children, students, and families in their walks of faith. We want to keep equipping the next generation and those raising them towards become fully formed disciples of Jesus.


We will give specific attention to everyone who desires to belong and draw closer into community with other followers of Christ. We want all ages to grow deeper into the Gospel of Jesus and lead them to experience the family dynamic of His church while we reach out to help everyone belong as we become more fully mature disciples of Jesus.


We will make a generational impact on the lives of the underserved of our community. We desire to go beyond just occasional serving. We want to give and love in a way that leads to transformed lives following Jesus.


We will be a church that takes seriously Jesus’ call to make disciples who make disciples. We will equip all ages to trust and follow Jesus and live out his teachings in our everyday lives. We want to discern and honor the gifts of the Spirit in every member to help create a culture of ministry that starts here and moves us out into our community and world as we strive to make and nurture more disciples of Jesus.