Local Community
John & Robin
Matt & Kent
Areas of Responsibility
Help Center - (615) 889-2275
Each week we provide food and clothing for those in need. Our Help Center is located directly across the street on Knobview Drive and is open Tuesdays from 9 AM – 12 PM & Wednesdays from 5 PM – 7 PM.
Every Tuesday between November 1st and March 31st our church family provides twenty-four homeless men a place to spend the night. We provide them dinner, a light breakfast, and a sack lunch as well as showing them God’s love.
We always welcome additional volunteer support. There are a number of ways you can help, including providing food, serving as an innkeeper, kitchen help, laundry service, and many more.
Find out more about our participation in the Room in the Inn program by clicking here.
Pencil Partner
Community Dinners
We offer a free meal every Wednesday night from 5:00pm-6:15pm. Anyone in the community is welcome.
UPDATE (08/22/2023): The Community Dinner program is currently on pause due to construction at our facility. Dinners will resume when construction is complete.
McGavock Elementary School
We are PENCIL partners with nearby McGavock Elementary School. DCC members may volunteer as tutors to help students. We also support the school by offering special seminars, teacher appreciation meals, etc.
ESL (English as a Second Language)
On Wednesday nights (during the school year) we offer ESL classes for adults wishing to learn English. Children of adults learning English attend our Wednesday night Bible classes. This program follows the Davidson County Metro School’s calendar.