Church Life

"I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full."

– John 10:10b (NIV)


Jason & Heather
Caleb & Courtney


Steve & Jeff

Areas of Responsibility

Home Churches, Church Fellowship, Handy Helpers, Grace Monkeys, Baby/Wedding Showers, Leadership & Mentoring, Member Benevolence, Member Integration, Pastoral Care
DCC has a number of Home Churches throughout Donelson, Hermitage, Mt. Juliet, Nashville, and Old Hickory. Home Churches usually meet in the homes of members for a time of Bible study and fellowship. Most of our Home Churches meet on Sunday evenings. Visitors are welcome. If you’d like more info about Home Churches, contact Drue and Jason below.

Interest Groups

Interest groups bring people together around shared interests such as family game nights, fitness, prayer, sewing, etc. The purpose of these groups is to enhance our current fellowship and provide opportunities for inviting family and friends with the ultimate hope to connect them with the Lord. Interest Groups meet on a semester basis in various locations. Some groups meet in homes, some meet at the church building, others meet at a park.

New Members

We are genuinely happy that you’ve decided to be part of the family at Donelson!

The first step for those wishing to place membership is to attend our Starting Point class.
Please contact Russ King for more info.

After attending the Starting Point class please take a few moments to do the following:

1. Fill out a Family Data Record (click here)
2. Fill out a New Member Questionnaire (click here)
3. Set up a myDCC account (click here)

Welcome to the family!